ant control berlin nh

Carpenter, Pavement & Pharoah Ants

Carpenter Ants, found throughout New England and the rest of the United States, can be one of the toughest pests that we encounter each year. Carpenter Ant nests usually house 3,000 to 10,000 workers, so immediate action is needed upon spotting these little creatures. After all, Carpenter Ants ARE WOOD DESTROYERS!
Why are Carpenter Ants called the Hidden Invaders?

Commonly you will see Carpenter Ants in late winter/early spring for a few weeks and then they seem to disappear. What actually happens is that they have run out of food from the previous year's storage efforts and are now looking at your kitchen for temporary relief. Why don't I see them any more, you ask? It's because spring has sprung and they are now traveling outside to get their food and returning to their home in YOUR home without you noticing them!
One of the most common questions is, "What's next?" It begins with a careful inspection, customer education and treatment.

The inspection:

First, we want to find the nests and all satellite colonies, but this is very difficult and not always possible. Thus we must rely on a careful interview of the homeowner. Some things we would like to know and that you should be looking out for are:

1) Have there been any previous infestations?
2) Have you had any leaks in the roof or the plumbing?
3) Notice and take note of areas you have been spotting the little beasts!
4) Have there been piles of saw dust, and you know you haven't been sawing anything!?

Depending on the situation, there will probably be more questions, because we love information!

Customer Education:

This is the most important step - it's your house and you want to protect it, both with help from us and some important things you can do to help us help you. Some things to look for that could help a Carpenter Ant colony get started are leaves and yard debris against the house; landscaping such as shrubs and trees should be planted at least 18 inches from the foundation area and should NEVER be allowed to grow to touch the structure; all ground level vents should be screened and gutters should be kept clear. All these conditions create moisture and could lead to Carpenter Ant problems. In an ideal situation, dead trees and all wood-to-ground contact would be eliminated.


This is the most controversial part of our job. There are many opinions about how this should be done, but the only one we will comment on here is the way that we perform it. After all, we don't want to argue with anyone else's approach unless its unsafe or illegal! We believe that you can accomplish Carpenter Ant control with minimal indoor pesticide application and a complete exterior perimeter. We will try to locate the nest on the inside of the structure by use of a flushing agent in cracks and crevices where the little buggers are spotted. Once we are confident we know where they are, we will carefully apply a residual product to eliminate the rest of the nest. But don't worry, if we miss any on the inside we will get them with the barrier on the outside. Because Carpenter Ants travel outside to collect their food, they must travel across the product where they are destroyed.

We have now taken care of your Carpenter Ants without flooding the inside of your home with pesticides and, for future years, we simply recommend that you have an outside treatment as a preventative measure. After all, they are the "Hidden Invaders."

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